Character Illustrations + Stories
A fun project I started to quench my creative thirst and explore different illustration styles. Digital drawings of unusual characters with unique background stories. Enjoy!
Hana. Mid 40s. Lives in a small apartment in the city, and has been feeling a bit lonely lately. Goes to the deli everyday under the guise of getting a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, but is actually working up the courage to ask the Sandwich Lady, Linda, out on a date. Is currently workshopping the perfect pick up line (Linda, are you a grilled cheese sandwich? Because every time I see you, I melt.) Wish her luck folks!
Xanyo Filbit. Extra terrestrial from a small purple planet within the Andromeda galaxy. On this planet everyone has two faces, one that represents how you want to be perceived and one that represents what you’re feeling inside. Today Xanyo accidentally sent a screenshot of a text to the person she took the screenshot of. Oops.
This is Sana. She just turned 15. Recently, on her period, she noticed a strange, shooting feeling coming from her skull. She looked in the mirror and saw 2 red horns growing out the sides of her head! She was shocked, but realized somehow they were invisible to everyone around her. After crying and cursing at the world for 3 hours she decided to eat a slice of chocolate cake to calm herself down. To her surprise, with each bite, the horns slowly shrunk. She wondered if this would continue for the rest of her life. How cruel the world could be sometimes.

Jasmine. Quiet, charming and perceptive. Enjoys writing short stories about her and her friends going on adventures through magical lands. Has recently fallen in love, and doesn’t know how to handle herself. The feeling is overwhelming, and she finds herself writing stories of them together wandering through mystic forests and exploring ancient castles, always with the same ending; through discovering the land they end up discovering feelings for each other. She has decided to express her love through a note that she will sneak into his book bag at the end of the day, on the last day of 9th grade. She is nervous, then excited, fearful and exhilarated all at once. Love has changed her.
Serena Scoops. Owner and founder of the experimental ice cream boutique “Sexy Samples” where sexy robots spoon-feed you samples of all the flavors of ice cream until you are full. Scoops invented the concept during a guided meditation with her business coach. The company was profitable within 5 months of opening. Serena Scoops now owns 21 ice cream boutiques across the globe and has a net worth of 16 million.
Her name is rhapsody. She is nurturing, she is tired. People pray to her for luck and peace. They offer her gold coins, tropical fruits and garlands of sweetly colored flowers. She really just wants a nap.

Joey Hartman. Born on a record-breaking hot summer day. Rumor has it the heat of the air made its way into her body and manifested into her fiery temperament. She later dyed her hair an equally intense flaming red to match. Extremely intelligent. Respectful but firm, she takes no shit from anyone. Ran for city Mayor at 21 and won by a landslide. 🔥🔥🔥

Lucia Carmelita Ricci. Wakes up at 8 but only arrives at work around 10:30 because she doesn’t like to be rushed. She is 6ft tall and smells like fresh cream and nutmeg. Has at least 4 lovers at any given moment, who are OBSESSED with her. She is not obsessed with them. The only thing she has ever loved is her pet snake, Fredrick. 🐍

Patricia, 19. Loves green grapes, and the sound of the flute. Kind but has a severe case of resting bitch face and is socially anxious. Works as a librarian but has secretly wanted to do improv ever since she grew up watching ‘whose line is it anyways?’ Practices her jokes on her dad and pet rabbit. They think she’s pretty good, actually.
Helena. Lives in a tiny cottage with her best friend Milo. (Milo is a hamster). Everyday, for every meal, Helena cooks buckwheat porridge with yak butter. She adds berries for breakfast, carrots for lunch and sausage for dinner. Milo helps with the food prep. They eat all their meals together. Neither of them has seen ratatouille.
Lady Squiggle Swoop. Cheesecake aficionado and lover of the kitten heel. Her blog, Kitties and Cake, has a small but dedicated following. Recently Swoop tried to expand into ballet flat and bagel territory, but faced backlash about being inauthentic to her brand. Will she return to what she knows or is this the natural evolution of an influencer in this space? Only time will tell.

Marcella Beans. Software engineer by day tattoo artist by night. Hobbies include but not limited to: playing cards with strangers in the park, making hearty soups, gymnastics, low budget reality tv and going to hackathons. Her best personality trait is her non judgmental attitude, her worst is she gets hangry very quickly. (To combat this she always keeps dried fruit and cheez-its in her bag)

Miss Magda Frank. Age unknown. Has a gentle, bubbling voice and is always warm. Good at cartwheels. Has a knack for building unusual but functional furniture. Wears a big brown coat with lots of little pockets on the inside. Enjoys surprising people who treat her kindly with little treasure from the inside of her coat pockets. Currently is carrying a ruby ring, a chocolate bunny, a pair of fuzzy sock, an iPod mini and a bag of pearly seashells.
Amara Glass. Fluffy hair, cool blue eyes and delicate features. In charge of controlling clouds. Her favorite activity is to walk by strangers, who are laying down in the park watching clouds, and see if they can guess what shapes she was aiming for. She loves her job ☁️
Yara Belenky. Incredibly skilled insect hypnotist. She can make any bug obey her commands with just a whisper. She learned about her powers in the second grade, after accidentally sending a swarm of angry hornets to her bully’s bedroom. At first, she thought maybe a guardian angel was watching over her, but as time passed she slowly realized that the magic had been coming from herself all along. She had a brief stint as a playground vigilante, protecting other kids like herself, but soon realized she was on the path to becoming a bully herself. These days, she uses her powers for beauty and wonder, not for justice. If you’re ever in the park and see earthworms dancing to an invisible beat or a snail drawing a star with its slime trail, look around—Yara might be close by.
Dahlia. Famous yarn bombing artist. Has 2 precious cats named Pickle and Rufus who she knits sweaters for every winter. Enjoys simple pleasures in life, like afternoon tea, chocolate covered digestive biscuits and a good mystery novel on a rainy day. Dahlia is present. Dahlia is silly. Dahlia is in love with her life.
Diya Gupta. Math teacher at Saltwood High. Incredibly kind, patient and supportive. Smells like fresh cut jasmine flowers and linen. Always brings scratch-n-sniff stickers to class as little rewards. Understands that different children learn differently, and never punishes her students for not understanding concepts. She is single-handedly making math the favorite subject of generations of kids at the school. 🧠😎